The Holstein Foundation staff is preparing for the kick-off of Young Dairy Leaders Institute (YDLI) class nine, which meets for phase one Feb. 25-28 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Sixty young adults from the U.S. and Canada will be a part of class nine of YDLI, a cornerstone program for the Holstein Foundation.

The three-phase program takes place over 12 months. Phase one includes hands-on workshops to improve attendees' leadership, communication and advocacy skills. It also offers opportunities for networking and building enthusiasm for the dairy industry.

The class will tour the Dugan and Shamrock dairies in the Casa Grande area as a pre-tour conference. This will be the first time that YDLI has met in Phoenix; in previous years, classes have met in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Florida.

In phase two, which takes place in the year between phase one and three, class members develop and use their new skills in a community outreach project of their choice.


Phase three, held Feb. 24-27, 2016, will focus on group leadership skills and topics such as advanced communication training, conflict resolution skills and influencing public policy. Class members will give presentations on their phase two projects. PD

—From Holstein Foundation news release