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Greg and Lynn Gardner purchased the ranch in 1990. Today, along with their daughter Brittany and her husband, Wacey Cathey, they manage a cow-calf business on approximately 28,500 acres, which includes their deeded land along with neighboring...
Greg and Lynn Gardner purchased the ranch in 1990. Today, along with their daughter Brittany and her husband, Wacey Cathey, they manage a cow-calf business on approximately 28,500 acres, which includes their deeded land along with neighboring private, state and tribal leases.
For decades, the agricultural industry has been at the forefront of innovation, continually adapting to meet global demands and environmental challenges.
Our forages are the foundation of profitable animal agriculture and environmental stewardship. Our unrivaled research and plant breeding has improved forage quality, yield, and animal performance. In addition, we have developed innovative forage c...
North America, Inc., of Brodhead, Wisconsin, is a leading innovator in
agricultural and industrial equipment. KUHN offers a broad range of hay
and forage, livestock, and crop production tools, as well as landscape
and road maintenance equ...
Hubbard Feeds has a long history of providing research-based nutrition products and innovative support services. We are driven to provide our customers with products that will improve their profitability, increase their competitive advantage, redu...
story began in 1945 as a small seed store on Main Street in Madison,
Georgia and started by
supplying local farmers and ranchers with quality cotton, soybean and
agricultural grass seeds. We now concentrate our efforts on pastures...
Progressive Forage
Progressive Forage provides cutting-edge, practical information about forage production, harvesting equipment and market prices to you at no cost.
Progressive Cattle provides practical beef operation management articles, timely news, cutting-edge technology information and thought-provoking opinions to you at no cost.
Progressive Cattle — Canda provides practical beef operation management articles, timely news, cutting-edge technology information and thought-provoking opinions to you at no cost.
It’s hard to tolerate waste in agriculture. As such, it’s understandable that we might expect to minimize waste when grazing and cutting hay. That desire for extra forage can become quite pressing as we get into slumps in our forage programs.
Native to Ethiopia, teff grass holds up well under drought conditions. With drought common in many parts of the country, teff offers up an interesting option as cattle feed. But does it live up to the hype?
At some point, every pasture or hayfield needs to be renovated. Although there are many useful approaches to improving a piece of land for forage production, some cover crops offer distinct advantages and disadvantages.