We all know someone who has broken a leg prior to showing an animal at the fair, or we know a grandparent who still wants to navigate the farm but has limited mobility, or perhaps it's a special needs child who wants to move from the sidelines into the show ring. Or maybe your farm is hosting a school group and need some mobility resources. Well now it’s possible. The Canyon County Fair introduced Bacon Buddies, who partnered with Mobility Action Rentals to bring show opportunities to wheelchair-bound kids. And they’d like to take this non-profit program all over Idaho – not just for fairs and show rings, but also for farm rentals. 

What a great story from the Kreick family in Kimberly, who are behind this movement. You don’t want to miss this episode. 

Season 3, Episode 10

Contact Action Mobility Rentals at (971) 563-6700

Facebook: Action Mobility Rentals


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