Items Tagged with 'implants'
By utilizing value-added programs and getting a firm grasp on the value of each pound gained, cow-calf producers can greatly increase their profitability.
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Implanting before the feedyard and why it pays
Several misconceptions about the feedlot performance of implanted cattle exist. However, animals that have received growth implants prior to entering the feedlot consistently outperform those that haven’t.
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Implanting strategies for higher-value calves
Implanting calves can maximize their value by improving feed efficiency, weight gain and growth rate, resulting in a $30-$40 increase in calf value for an investment of $1.50 per head.
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Time to prepare: Fall processing recommendations for weaning-aged calves
It’s time to make plans for processing weaning-aged calves. Producers have many choices to make, including vaccinations, implant options and deworming strategies.
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Managing for carcass quality
Improving our understanding of how different feeds impact fat deposition in cattle at different stages of their lives will lead to higher-quality carcasses and better producer profitability.
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4 things you need to know before using implants in dairy beef calves
Implants are a tool used to increase profitability. Timing, potency levels and administration influence the efficacy of this tool.
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The decision to implant cattle lies in how they are marketed
Research suggests that growth-promoting implants are the best option for cattle sold on the live basis. However, if you plan to sell on the grid, non-hormone-treated cattle (NHTC) can return more to your pocketbook.
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The ongoing beef implants story: It’s an earful
Implants have boosted cattle profits for decades. Yet, missed opportunities, misperceptions, NHTC programs and consumer pressures continue to impact their use and marketability.
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