The dairy industry continues to invest in updating and improving its web presence to increase usability and offer new features. The Center for Dairy Excellence (CDE), AminoMax andR&D LifeSciences (RDL) are three organizations that have recently improved their online offerings.

Center for Dairy Excellence
CDE's new site design offers a simplistic and intuitive approach to finding resources available from the center. Integration of social media and blogging technology into the new design allows web visitors to stay informed and engaged in the center’s programming.

“The new design showcases our programs and resources in an attractive, user-friendly format,” said Jayne Sebright, CDE communications director.

The organization originally launched its website in 2006 and typically draws about 1,500 visitors a month. The goal with the redesign is to encourage broader use of the website as a tool to increase participation in the center’s programs.

The new website design has six main sections: business tools, dairy information, programs and events, advocacy and outreach, students and educators, and dairy’s value.


The company has updated its website to include new customer-specific portals and educational videos. It is now a more robust educational resource for feed mills, dairy producers and dairy nutritionists interested in custom blending multiple bypass amino acids for specific dietary properties.

Visitors may choose to view videos on the company’s manufacturing process, the science behind the product, how it works inside the cow’s digestive system and other related topics.

R&D LifeSciences
This company's new website features the latest products and advances in technology and research, providing a complete look at the trials and product offerings of the feed ingredient company.

Detailed information is now easier to find with the addition of digital tech sheets for each product. A new page for testimonials is now available and a “buy now” link allows customers to purchase products online.

An expanded "about us" section details the company’s beginning as well as the vision for future growth. The “contact us” page has been updated to include the recent additions of Jay Garmon and Mike DuBois to the R&D LifeSciences sales and tech service team.

The addition of a news section provides an easy way to keep up-to-date on company happenings. PD

From Center for Dairy Excellence, AnimoMax and R&D LifeSciences news releases