Everyone who raises cattle knows there is danger involved when handling and hauling cattle. In a study conducted by the Center for Disease Control in 2009 of farm-related fatalities in the U.S. between 2003 and 2007, there were a total of 2,334 deaths due to farm accidents.
Five percent (or 108) of these deaths were cattle-caused fatalities. The study didn’t report the number of accidents where injuries occurred, and we know that every month there are hundreds of people hurt while handling or moving cattle.
It should be the goal of every producer to analyze their handling and loading facilities to ensure safety for themselves, their families and employees. Also, anyone handling cattle should be given training on the proper way to move cattle safely.
There are a number of very good plans designed to combine working facilities and load-out areas. These plans can be accessed with a simple Internet search, and the plans can be purchased from the designers.
A well-planned working facility and load-out area allows cattle to flow smoothly while providing handlers with access to the cattle without being in the pen with them.
Dr. Steve Boyles from Ohio State University produced a publication entitled, “Cattle Handling and Working Facilities.” This publication contains some simple but very useful examples of working facilities and load-out areas. These plans emphasize handler safety.
Two of the designs from Dr. Boyles’ Ohio State University publication are shown in Figure 1.
The circular design does not show a load-out area; however, a gate can be added close to where the chute is located that will open up into a loading area.
Again, whatever design you have or hope to have in the future should emphasize handler safety. Catwalks along alleys, swing gates or tubs that keep handlers away from cattle are critical.
Look out! She’s on the fight
We have all heard many funny stories by cowboy poets about wild cows and the train wrecks they cause. Most of us have had our turn with this scenario.
Understanding animal behavior will help us to avoid these situations along with having good facilities and using appropriate cattle-handling techniques.
Dr. Temple Grandin of Colorado State University, one of the world’s leading experts in cattle handling, published recommendations on how to handle cattle. They include the following:
1. Keep cattle calm.
2. Move cattle at a walk or trot.
3. Reduce noise.
4. Eliminate electric prods.
5. Use behavioral principles, i.e., flight zone.
6. Make cattle flow.
7. Remove distractions.
8. Acclimate cattle to handling.
One of the biggest points to remember is: The majority of accidents occur when an animal gets separated from the herd through sorting and gets excited, causing them to become aggressive.
It is recommended to have safety passes strategically located in the working facilities. These are narrow openings just big enough to let a person slip through and escape an aggressive animal.
Loading cattle
Loading cattle into trailers creates the perfect time for accidents to occur if we are not careful. Having the correct load-out facility will help reduce the chance of an accident or injury.
Figures 2 and 3 are two designs for load-out pens developed by Ohio State University and can be found in Dr. Boyles’ “Cattle Handling and Working Facilities” publication.
Figure 2 is a pull-through plan where the truck and trailer pull into the loading area. A gate swings shut behind the trailer. There is a wing gate that closes off one side of the trailer, and the end gate closes off the other.
Cattle are easily loaded and unloaded. This design does not require any backing of the trailer to load or unload.
The design in Figure 3 utilizes a tub to push cattle into the trailer. This design requires that the trailer be backed into place. The handler has very little contact with the cattle in this design. With catwalks on the sides, there should be little need to get in with the cattle.
I think I can get one more in
Now be honest, we have all said this while loading cattle into our stock trailers. The question is: Should we stuff the trailer to the gills? Probably not if we are concerned with our own safety and the safety of the cattle.
Overloading trailers is dangerous, especially if the load exceeds the recommended gross vehicle weight rating of the truck. The truck may not be able to handle the load, which creates a safety hazard.
Dr. Temple Grandin has developed space recommendations for cattle hauled in trucks and trailers.
In Table 1 (page 25) are Dr. Grandin’s recommendations.
If you would rather look at the number of head versus space requirements, Table 2 outlines the recommended number of cattle at various weights that should be loaded into trailers.
Safety should be a top priority for every cattle producer. Steps should be taken to minimize the risk to you, your family and employees. Take the time to:
- Inspect your facilities before using them. Make repairs where needed.
- Work to improve the facilities to make them safer for handling and loading cattle.
- Do not overload your trailer.
- Take time to train your employees or other helpers on how to handle cattle and move them safely.
References omitted due to space but are available upon request. Click here to email an editor.

- Jim Church
- University of Idaho Extension