The shootings first occurred during the summer, causing five deaths and 17 woundings by Sept. 30. By Oct. 22, the count had increased to 10 dead and 55 wounded, many with open abdominal wounds. One calf's jaw was shot off, according to the NCA Facebook page. 

The reward offered is about one-tenth of the $250,000 estimated value of the cattle maimed or killed by the attacks. The reward is being held in trust by the NCA, according to a Nevada Department of Agriculture news release.

It is unknown if the shootings were caused a single shooter or multiple. "I don't have any idea whether it's someone with a vendetta against the livestock industry or young people out messing around," NCA president Ron Torell told the Associated Press

"This kind of vandalism is nothing new, but in this number it's quite unique," Torell said. "We've had pockets of similar shootings in the past, but certainly not over such a widely scattered area."

The shootings occurred in remote rangeland in northern Nevada, near the area between Wells and Winnemucca, Nevada. Similar shootings occurred near Tuscarora and Midas in the last three years.  end mark


—Summarized by Progressive Cattleman staff from cited sources