AAA’s public relations department, producers of Angus TV and Angus Productions Inc. (API), publisher of Angus Journal and Angus Beef Bulletin, will unify to form one cohesive communications center.             

As part of the unification plan, longtime API President and General Manager Terry Cotton will be named vice president of sales. Cotton will also represent Region 12, serving Angus breeders in California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah.           

Eric Grant, AAA director of public relations since 2009, will serve as API president and general manager, effective May 1.           

The unification plan brings all AAA communications, advertising and public relations assets — including magazines and sale books, websites, social media and breed advertising as well as television and radio programs — into Angus Productions Inc.

The decision also brings together a team of more than 30 talented professionals — editors, writers, graphic designers, web developers, photographers and videographers — dedicated to advancing the Angus breed.


Most notably, it marks the first time in the association’s 130-plus-year history that all aspects of breed promotion and communications will be under one roof and management.

“By unifying these various components, we will strengthen the Angus brand and message, eliminate confusion and improve the effectiveness of each individual media platform, all of which points back to increased strength for Angus breeders and their customers,” says CEO Bryce Schumann.

The communications center will also benefit AAA’s many programs and services.

“Today’s rapidly evolving genetic selection tools and other technological advancements require effective communications with members and others in the beef industry,” says Bill Bowman, chief operating officer.

“Only through coherent communications to and from our members can we improve the understanding and application of association programs and tools. This move toward a more unified communications effort will greatly assist us in accomplishing that goal.”

Association President Gordon Stucky of Kingman, Kansas, says the announcement represents the next step in a decades-old tradition in breed communications excellence.

“We believe this is a pivotal move for the Angus breed — one that will allow us to better communicate the many advantages of registered Angus genetics to all sectors of the beef business, from seedstock to cow-calf producers, from feeders to consumers,” Stucky says.  end mark 

—From American Angus Association news release