Land O’Lakes Animal Milk Products introduces Cow’s Match ColdFront Protein Blend calf milk replacer.

“The new protein blend formula offers a more economical way for producers to feed calves to their full potential, while still keeping the same great benefits that the original Cow’s Match ColdFront formula has to offer,” says Dr. Tom Earleywine, the company’s director of nutritional services.

The protein blend formulation utilizes a similar approach as is used in baby formulas and is based on a blend of highly digestible proteins that complement each other. This blend of proteins was designed to save dairy producers’ and calf and heifer raisers’ investment costs without sacrificing calf performance.

Research conducted by the company showed equal performance between protein blend and original calf milk replacers. Additionally, the new protein blend formulation approach decreased the cost of feeding the milk replacer’s original formulation.

For more information on the new calf milk replacer visit the Land O’Lakes Animal Milk Products Company website. PD


—From Land O’Lakes Animal Milk Products Co. news release

Photo provided by Land O’Lakes Animal Milk Products Co.