Feb. 28 is the date and the people side of business transition is the topic of the next PDPW World-Class webinar. Leading the “Compensation: Why Pay is a Critical Business Strategy” presentation will be Dr. Donald Jonovic, Family Business Management Services. The Monday, Feb. 28, PDPW World-Class Webinar will begin at noon CST and last for 60 minutes.

“It’s not unusual for family farm operations to confuse compensation for performance with return for an owner's investment,” Jonovic states. “This webinar will take a look at how this fundamental confusion is often the cause of a lot of the stress, tension and dysfunctions in farm partnerships.”

Other items on the table for discussion during the Feb. 28 webinar include why it is critically important to differentiate pay from return, both in theory and in practice, and practical pay strategies that both motivate and reward desired performance. Jonovic will also address the significance of return on investment and its importance as a strategic tool for assuring farm survival, growth, continuity and successful transition of ownership in families where not all heirs intend to be farmers.

A special interactive question section during the webinar will allow participants to get insight and answers directly from Jonovic, one of the leading experts in the ag industry, plus hear questions posed by fellow participants.

“PDPW’s World-Class Webinars are a new way for dairy producers and agribusinesses involved in dairying to access cutting-edge information from the comforts of their homes and offices,” states Eric Hillan, dairy producer from Ladysmith, Wisconsin, and PDPW president. “It’s so convenient.


“All you need to participate in a World-Class Webinar is a hunger to learn, a computer, speakers and Internet access. The webinars are designed to challenge a participant’s business mind while keeping us up to speed on timely issues so we can manage ahead in today’s fast-changing dairy world.”

Individuals wishing to participate in the Monday, Feb. 28 webinar must register by Wednesday, Feb. 23. The series of three webinars include the Feb. 28, “Compensation: Why Pay is a Critical Business Strategy;” March 21, “Developing the Next Generation of Leaders – Family or ‘Non;’” and April 18, “When Siblings Don’t Want to Work for Siblings.” All PDPW World-Class Webinars are on a Monday and go from noon to 1 p.m. CST.

“Cost is based on per computer. Thus, you can gather as many people as you wish around one computer for one registration fee,” Hillan states. “Think of the World-Class Webinar as a meeting without the need to drive somewhere.”

To register for an upcoming World-Class Webinar, go online or call PDPW at (800) 947-7379. PD

—From PDPW news release