Research outcomes impacting farms and the dairy sector

In July 2019, we published the 2018 Dairy Research Highlights – an annual report on research investments and results. These were the top 10 success story headlines from the report, which is available online at Dairy Farmers of Canada.

124 Scientists involved in dairy research cluster 3

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1. Dairy farms increased efficiency and productivity and lowered greenhouse gas emissions from milk production based on evidence from the life cycle assessment of milk production update.

2. Two new traits to select dairy cattle for high feed efficiency and low methane gas emissions were identified.

3. Six research projects on better cow care and health supported continuous progress in the implementation of the animal care module of proAction.


4. Canadian team advances world-class research on best practices and standards for dairy cattle and calf welfare.

5. New pathways to prevent, manage and treat infectious diseases like Johne’s disease and mastitis.

6. The Mastitis Network transfers knowledge and tools based on innovative and science-based solutions for milk quality and production excellence.

7. Impact of milk products on weight and body composition among children and teens. Children and teens who consume milk products are more likely to have a lean body.

8. Cheese helps to stabilize blood-sugar levels.

9. Benefits of milk as a source of high-quality protein in the management of lung cancer patients.

10. Beneficial effects of consuming milk after exercise compared to a sports drink.

National Dairy Research Strategy Priority

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Investment in a third Dairy Research Cluster for a productive, innovative and sustainable sector

In July, an investment of $16.5 million was announced, launching a third Dairy Research Cluster (2018-2023) led by Dairy Farmers of Canada. Joint industry and government commitments to the cluster include contributions from major partners Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lactanet, Novalait, Dairy Farmers of Ontario and in-kind contributions from many dairy sector partners. 

National Dairy Research Strategy

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The objectives of the Cluster 3 are to build on the success of the previous Dairy Research Clusters 1 and 2 (2010-2018) to stimulate productivity and sustainability on farms, and to improve knowledge of the health benefits of milk and dairy products. A list of the 15 new projects and a summary of each are available online at Dairy Farmers of Canada.  end mark

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Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) invests in research to stimulate productivity, sustainability and profitability on farms and to improve knowledge on milk and dairy products’ health benefits. DFC finances research initiatives that benefit all dairy farmers across Canada and works in collaboration with its members and other sectorial partners to address farmers’ priorities set in the dairy research and knowledge translation, and transfer national strategies. Visit Dairy Research of Canada for more information.