The award is presented annually to a genetic consultant who exemplifies the qualities that make SMS known throughout the world as a premier mating program in the industry. The recipient must have years of superior service, a history of high-quality evaluations and the ability to build and maintain successful relationships with dairy producers.

Van Hout was born in Holland, but immigrated to Canada with his parents and sisters as a young child. His father worked on several farms until purchasing the family farm in 1968. Located in Arthur, Ontario, Woodbroek Holsteins earned many awards for production and type.

Van Hout took over management of the farm from 1979 to 1989. After operating the farm he worked in the A.I. industry before becoming one of the initial employees of SSC in 2000. He was instrumental in the start-up and development of SSC. Currently, he serves as an SMS genetic consultant and district manager in western Ontario and Manitoba.

“Hugh has three passions in life: cows, sports and family,” says Bill Young, SSC general manager. “He loves his job and whenever someone loves what they are doing, it is never considered work. His job has given him much personal growth and he has traveled thousands of miles and met thousands of people. No matter where he goes, he is never far from a cow.”  PD


—From Select Sires news release