“A herd bull is responsible for 50 percent of the herd’s calf crop and a good bull is an investment that can certainly pay big dividends,” Cleere said.

The program will begin at 10 a.m. with Cleere discussing cattle breeds and breeding programs. He will follow with a demonstration on visual selection of bulls.

After lunch, Banta will lead presentations on bull performance data and genetic markers, bull fertility and bull-to-cow ratios. He will also give a presentation on bull care and management.

“Selecting the right bull for your cattle herd takes planning and research,” Banta said.

“Workshop participants will come away with a good understanding of specialized practices and management strategies that will improve their operation and overall bottom line.”


Live animals be will be used during several presentations and participants will have the opportunity to sort through a set of bulls, Cleere said.

“This will be an in-depth program that will give beef cattle producers the opportunity to see us critique several bulls and point out what traits that are acceptable or non-acceptable during selection,” he said.

Cost is $60 and includes meals, refreshments and lecture materials. The program is limited to the first 50 registrants. Click here for more information or to register, or contact Michelle Sensing at (903) 834-6191.  end mark

—From AgriLife Today news release