Many people want to know where their food comes from, according to the group, so this is an excellent opportunity to talk to beef producers firsthand.
“Farm families have known the joys of raising cattle, but people across the nation are moving farther from the family farm and want to know how their food is raised and would like to meet the people putting food on their plates,” said CCW President Caroline Kirby. “There is nothing as gratifying as the ability to participate in the production of food.”
Throughout the day, CCW members will be available to answer questions about farming, beef production practices, nutrition and more. There will also be educational materials on hand including beef recipes, nutrition facts, and pamphlets that explain the pasture to plate process.
A live cow will be located in Lowry Mall on the University of Missouri campus. The group will also be selling ribeye steak sandwiches to raise money for their organization.
“Cattle owners know they are providing a wholesome, safe product to the nation’s food supply,” said Kirby. “Meet Your Meat is designed to show people how farmers truly care for their livestock. American farmers have a great passion and love for the cattle industry. It is not just a job; it is a passion and way of life.”
For more information, call (660) 621-0019 or check out the group’s Facebook page.
—From Mizzou Collegiate CattleWomen news release