Grandin, a cattle welfare specialist and instructor at Colorado State University, will speak on cattle behavior and improving handling facilities, and setting up and implementing auditing programs for cattle and other food animals.

Other speakers will include Anita Varga, a large animal clinician with the Livestock Medicine and Surgery Service at UC Davis; Dr. Frank Mitloehner, professor and air quality extension specialist with UC Davis; Tommy Perkins, executive vice president for the International Brangus Breeders Association; and Dr. Gary Sides, beef and feedlot nutritionist with Zoetis, and more.

Topics will include factors that are toxic to beef cattle; welfare audits and assessments for beef producers, docility selection traits in cattle, and ways to correct dystocia in beef cattle, and more.

The seminar is also available via a live interactive webinar for those unable to attend. Eight hours of CE credit are available for DVMs and RVTs.


Visit the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine website to learn more.  end mark