Using an easy-to-collect sample, such as a tail hair sample, blood spot or ear tag tissue collector, an animal’s Igenity profile information can reveal whether it is likely to produce progeny with desired carcass traits and fertility traits, such as marbling, quality grade, yield grade, ribeye area or stayability, or pass along such genetic abnormalities as curly calf.

“Advancements in DNA testing technology have provided an unprecedented opportunity to get insight in to the breeding value of both bulls and replacement heifers well before they reach breeding age,” said Dr. Stewart Bauck, Neogen’s director of beef genomics.

“For example, studies have shown that DNA from a simple hair sample can provide the same accuracy of prediction on a bull’s EPD as would evaluating up to eight of his progeny. That’s three years and thousands of dollars to raise the animals, not to mention the costs of allowing an inferior bull to breed three calf crops."

Igenity will market its products through RFD-TV, Click to Bid and the Superior Livestock website to provide product details and assist cattlemen in using the Igenity profile information to gain better value for their cattle when they sell on Superior Livestock.

“We see the DNA profiles as adding value to the visual appraisals and EPDs our buyers use to make their best purchase decisions,” said Joe Lichtie, manager of Superior Livestock Auction.


“For sellers, a DNA profile can add objective value to their animals as superior breeding stock that was previously unavailable to them. The profiling will also differentiate sellers who are willing to take the extra step necessary to prove the value of their animals to buyers.”

Igenity works with breed associations to integrate genomic data into seedstock EPD, and that information can be used to help commercial cattlemen make the right buying decision.

For commercial producers, they can get benefit from heifer selection through the Igenity profile and the Igenity profile for Replacement Heifers. For cattle buyers, calves out of tested bulls and heifers will be far more likely to meet their needs, and deliver profitable performance.

Trait and genetic disease information available from an Igenity DNA profile includes:

  • Residual feed intake
  • Stayability (longevity)
  • Average daily gain
  • Calving ease
  • Tenderness
  • Docility
  • Marbling
  • Myostatin
  • Quality grade
  • Arthrogryposis Multiplex
  • Yield grade
  • Coat color
  • Fat thickness
  • Breed-specific horned/polled
  • Ribeye area
  • Multisire parentage
  • Heifer pregnancy rate
  • BVD-PI diagnostic test

Traits available from the Igenity Profile for Replacement Heifers include:

  • Average daily gain
  • Marbling/percent choice
  • Tenderness
  • Calving ease
  • Stayability  end mark

From Neogene Corporation news release