What education are you bringing with you to this position?
I have undergraduate degrees in Animal Science and Veterinary Science, DVM, and a PhD in Veterinary Microbiology.
Please describe your cattle industry background.
I grew up in a family cow/calf operation and currently operate and own a small cow/calf enterprise. I have served in the management of large ranches and feedlots. As a veterinarian, I have focused my practice skills in beef cattle health, production and reproduction, both in private and academic practice.

I have been a private practitioner for 12 years and taught beef cattle medicine at Texas A&M University's College of Veterinary Medicine for ten years. I served as a beef cattle professional services veterinarian for Novartis Animal Health for five years.

What are your new responsibilities?
I am basically a beef cattle specialist. I support the company’s effort educating the public regarding issues that are important to the consumer, cattleman and agriculture in general.


I am a liaison for outreach to cattlemen, nutritionists and veterinarians. Another important role is training and support of the sales force. I also have a significant role in research focus with animals.
What previous positions have you held?
Ranch and feedlot manager, rancher, private veterinary practitioner/consultant, veterinary school professor, professional/technical services veterinarian for animal health and animal nutrition firms.
What excites you most about working in your new role?
I look forward to addressing issues that are important to cattle health and well-being and sustainable production of animal protein in an ever-changing world of available feedstuffs and production inputs.
How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
With the breadth of my life experiences, I hope to facilitate the transfer of information and technology between cattlemen, veterinarians, nutritionists and consumers.
Why did you choose this organization?
This company is appealing in that it is a family-owned company with a global presence and is dedicated to animal health and well-being, sustainable agriculture and consumer concerns.
What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
At a very personal level, I hope that my presence can enhance the personal and professional lives of those I serve.  end mark