Under the Identifying Wisconsin program, Wisconsin producers with a premises ID can purchase approved AIN (840) and Premises ID tags. All tags approved for the program will carry the “Wisconsin Origin” seal that is printed by tag manufacturers and only distributed to farms in the state of Wisconsin through select distributors.

The tags offered under this program can be used to satisfy traceability needs for marketing, state and national animal health programs and on-farm management. Data about the farm of origin is housed in a producer- and industry-managed database located in Madison, Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin Holstein Association endorses the program and stated, “The Wisconsin agriculture community wants to create a self-funded traceability program that meets regulatory needs of both producers and consumers.

"The Identifying Wisconsin branded tag program is our first step towards achieving this. The branded tag identifies producer commitment to a quality product and helps bolster the values Wisconsin producers uphold in their own families and livestock operations.”

This spring, Sara Lee Corporation announced that effective Jan. 1, 2015, they will require a premises identification tag in all sows that are delivered to its Newbern, Tennessee, processing facility.


Sara Lee is the first processor to officially require premises ID tags, which will identify animals to the premises of origin in order to facilitate effective traceability if necessary for animal health reasons.

Dean Strauss, a Wisconsin producer stated, “Wisconsin has been and continues to be a leader when it comes to animal identification.

"As a dairy and beef producer, food safety is always at the front of my mind, and the need for animal traceability only helps maintain and grow consumer trust. The Identifying Wisconsin branded tag program will continue to help build and develop markets that will help us remain a supplier of choice.”  end_mark

—From Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium news release