The best way to utilize cornstalks is to graze them. Cattle graze selectively. Cattle first eat the remaining corn grain, then husks, then leaves and finally the stalk.

Meteer travis
Beef Extension Educator / University of Illinois

Cattle will eat the more digestible and higher-protein portions first. Therefore, a good mineral is adequate supplementation for the first month unless the herd includes fall-calving cows or stocker calves. For them, a supplement will be necessary to meet nutrient demands of lactation and growth, respectively.

At 150 bushels an acre, approximately 1 acre of cornstalks is needed to feed the cow for 30 days. To feed the same cow on cornstalks for 60 days, 2 acres would be needed. These are good numbers for budgeting. I challenge producers to continuously monitor the cattle, their behavior and the amount of husk and leaf left in the field. Once the majority of the husk is gone, the feed value is relatively poor.

Scout fields for ear drop or down corn areas. A significant amount of grain loss in fields can cause acidosis. Fields with these areas will need careful management via strip grazing.

Advances in portable electric fencing technology can be your friend when grazing cornstalks. Strip grazing can be easily achieved with geared reels, step-in posts and a solar fence charger. While strip grazing has showed to increase the utilization of cornstalks, it is important to be timely with moves. Rain and wet weather can increase trampling and require quicker moves.


On the other hand, some technology may work against you. Many newer combines are equipped with mowers on the head to reduce residue build-up. If you plan to graze the cornstalks, it is recommended to turn the mowers off. Mowing reduces particle size and speeds up degradation of the cornstalk. Mowed residue will break down faster. Thus, less will be available for animals after a few weeks.

Extreme weather conditions during the growing season are worth reflecting on. Dry conditions can create accumulation of nitrates in the lower stalk. Fortunately, cattle will eat the stalk portion of the plant last. Best practice in this scenario is to ensure cows are not forced to eat the stalk. If baling cornstalks for feed, a nitrate test is recommended.

Foliar diseases continue to be an issue in fields. Plant tissues affected by disease will break down more rapidly, too. I suggest looking to healthy fields for the best cornstalk grazing or baling. Fields that had fungicide applied may be more suitable for grazing and baling this year.