Producers across the globe have started to incorporate more technology into their operations. With a growing focus on the importance of herd efficiency, livestock-focused technology gives producers the ability to streamline their operations and better manage their animals' health, well-being and productivity. 

The dairy industry is no stranger to ag tech. Dairy farmers have been implementing automation and specialized technology into their operations for decades. From automatic milkers to advanced breeding methods, technology continues to offer more benefits to producers and their bottom lines.

Allflex® Livestock Intelligence® cattle monitoring technology gives producers a way to stay connected to their herds’ reproduction, nutrition and health. The Allflex® Livestock Intelligence® portfolio offers a range of professional tools and software that allow users to make data-driven decisions on their operations. 

By utilizing SenseHub® Dairy neck collars and ear tags on individual cows or heifers, producers are able to access real-time insights for every tagged animal. Depending on the size and needs of the operation, users can utilize the SenseHub® app or Heatime™ Pro+ in connection with the neck collars or ear tags to help interpret the collected data. Since cow behavior changes in the days leading up to a health incident, SenseHub® Dairy technology can help detect these changes and flag them. The technology can identify cows affected by certain diseases up to three days before showing symptoms.1

24/7 dairy monitoring also plays a key role in helping to manage reproduction. By monitoring activity, rumination and eating, SenseHub® Dairy monitoring applications can help identify natural heats and breeding windows to help improve conception rates.


Nutrition is a vital factor in herd health and overall productivity. Rumination is an important indicator of a properly balanced ration. SenseHub® Dairy technology uses rumination data to provide insights on the nutritional changes of the ration. If rumination activity changes, the system will alert the user who can then investigate and potentially take measures to adjust the ration for the affected animal.

If you are looking for ways to help manage your herd’s well-being, conception rates and overall productivity, incorporating monitoring technology may be a great option for your operation. 

Allflex® Livestock Intelligence® and solutions from the Merck Animal Health Intelligence portfolio are not intended, nor should they be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


Allflex Livestock Intelligence is a company of Merck Animal Health Intelligence, a division of Merck & Co., Inc. MERCK® is a registered trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC; ALLFLEX® design is a registered trademark of Allflex USA Inc.; LIVESTOCK INTELLIGENCE® and SENSEHUB® are registered trademarks of S.C.R. Engineers Ltd.; HEATIME™ is a trademark of S.C.R. Engineers Ltd. All trademarks used under license. CA-SHB-221100001

1. Stangaferro ML, Wijma R, Caixeta LS, Al-Abri MA, Giordano JO. Use of rumination and activity monitoring for the identification of dairy cows with health disorders: Part I, Metabolic and digestive disorders; Part II, Mastitis; Part III, Metritis. J. Dairy Sci. 2016 Sep;99(9):7395-7433.