Items Tagged with 'silage safety'
Training employees on key safety practices, maintaining machine safety guards to prevent entanglement, managing the structural integrity of silage bunkers, and being aware of the hazards of silo gases can improve safety while chopping and packing silage.
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5 tips to keep kids safe during silage season
Tips to improve silage safety for children include keeping children away from silage storage areas and out of the way of operators, dressing them in highly visible clothing, discouraging them from playing on equipment and informing them of what to do in case of an emergency.
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Safe silage harvest: Prepare now to prevent accidents later
Improve the safety on your farm by adding the following to your preharvest checklist: Inspect equipment, clean storage facilities, check lights and flashers on vehicles and equipment, develop safety protocols, and take the time to maintain your physical and mental health.
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