There are many steps in developing a health and safety plan. Each step is important and will help you monitor your farm’s status and progress of health and safety on your farm.
Follow these steps to create a health and safety program and, in return, a safer workplace.
STEP 1: Complete a safety audit – walk through your entire facility. Where are the gaps in the safety program? Where are the hazards on your farm?
STEP 2: Conduct a farm-wide job hazard analysis to determine where hazards on your farm are. Once hazards are established, determine how high-risk they are and develop ways to control the risk (training, safe operating procedures, policies, change of routine, guards, etc.)
STEP 3: Develop a health and safety manual including policies and safe operating procedures. For every high-risk activity, there should be safe operating procedures available to all team members.
Policies on violence and harassment, emergency procedures and first aid are important to all health and safety plans. Additional forms such as hazard reporting, event investigation, and violence and harassment reporting can all be useful as well.
STEP 4: Develop and implement training for all employees (including job-specific training and training in rights and responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, violence and harassment, and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems).
This training can consist in a variety of forms including: online training, on-the-job training, off-site training and job shadowing.
STEP 5: Maintain records on all training. These should be both hard and electronic copies.
STEP 6: Ensure team members are following the health and safety policies and procedures. All staff should be familiar with the policies and procedures outlined in the health and safety program. All documents should be available to staff.
STEP 7: Post a health and safety board in a high-traffic area all employees have access to. This board needs to include the Occupational Health and Safety Act, your company’s health and safety policies, emergency contacts and others. Requirements can be found at the Ministry of Labour’s website.
STEP 8: Conduct farm safety audits on a yearly basis. Review safe operating procedures, policies and training. These audits allow you to see progress in your health and safety program and gives you an opportunity to comply with the ministry requirement to inspect your farm on an ongoing basis.
STEP 9: Have monthly safety talks with your team members. This is a good way to promote health and safety in the workplace and to update staff on any changes made to the health and safety plan.
STEP 10: Consult with employees. Discuss their safety concerns and make adjustments to the health and safety program as needed.
By following the above steps, you are on your way to creating a really good health and safety program for your farm. Though this may seem like a daunting task, the results are worth the time and effort put into it.
Not only does this put you in compliance with the Ministry of Labour’s regulations, but it also helps to provide a safe and efficient workplace.
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Michelle Linington is with My Farm HR and Safety Coach, a service of People Management Group.

Cheryl DeCooman
- President
- People Management Group Inc.
- Email Cheryl DeCooman