Based upon the number of responses, the results cannot and should not be viewed as a statistical sampling of all dairy farms in Canada. Our polls are conducted to encourage reader interaction, and the results are shared here for your satisfaction. Thank you to all of you who took the time to participate.

What topic do you want to learn more about?

Most Progressive Dairyman readers want to learn more about calf and heifer raising.

Only 4 percent said that they want to learn about manure handling, and 6 percent prefer to learn about hoof care. Cow comfort did only slightly better, with 7 percent of the vote.

A.I. and breeding just missed double digits and received 9 percent of the vote. Dry and transition cows tied with feed, forages and nutrition. Each topic received 11 percent of the vote.


Thirteen percent of readers said that milk quality and parlour management would be a good topic to learn. Another 17 percent said that herd health is their most interesting topic. Calf and heifer raising won the majority with 22 percent.


Are you using a formalized process to transition your dairy?

Most Progressive Dairyman online readers are not using a formalized process to transition their dairies.

graphThe majority (42.9 percent) said, “No, but we are in a transition phase.” However, more than 28 percent said they are using a formalized transition process.

Meanwhile, 28.6 percent of respondents said their dairies are not currently in a transition.


Have you done a SWOT analysis for your farm business?

Most online readers have not done a SWOT analysis for their business.

graphOnly 17 percent said they did have a SWOT analysis done. The majority, a whopping 83 percent, said they did not have a SWOT analysis done yet.


Do you have a written safety plan for your farm?

Two-thirds of online readers do not have a written safety plan for their farm, while 33 percent have something written out in the event of an emergency or for additional safety aspects of their operation.



Do you find you have a good work-life balance?

A large majority of Progressive Dairyman online readers are still chasing the illusive work-life balance.

graphThis poll was only open for a few days at the time of this writing, so the final results posted online might differ when it is officially closed, but for now, 83 percent said they do not have a good balance between work and life. Only 17 percent feel they have both work and life in a good harmony with one another.  PD

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Starting in 2016, Progressive Dairyman is launching a new Extra enewsletter specific for our Canadian audience. This new format will deliver the same great content you’ve come to know through this printed edition straight to your inbox near the middle of every month.

Plus, we’ll be able to integrate digital features, such as our poll question, making it easier to cast your vote and see instant results.

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