What education are you bringing with you to this position?
I completed a certificate in animal care at Sheridan College, followed by bachelor’s degree in agriculture focusing on animal science at the University of Guelph, where I also completed a master’s degree in dairy nutrition, researching the changes in rumen structure and function during transition.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I grew up on a dairy farm and was involved in everyday chores as well as managing the herd. I really enjoyed being so involved and learning how to make improvements. In university I gained work experience in the summers in agricultural marketing and agriculture outreach, spending many days with dairy veterinarians, and as a research assistant at the University of Guelph.

Of note was a cow comfort study conducted through OVC, where I visited many dairy farms though Ontario collecting data for a national project.

What territory will you cover?
Southwestern Ontario

What are your new responsibilities?
I will provide nutritional and management solutions to dairy clientele to increase farm profitability, while improving animal and producer welfare.

Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
I would not be where I am today if I had not had the privilege to farm with my parents, to work with fantastic veterinarians and to have many opportunities in research and working with professors at the University of Guelph.

These people have provided an unbelievable amount of support and have always encouraged me to take the great opportunities life has presented. I am very grateful for their role on my path to this career.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
I bring a great deal of enthusiasm for the dairy industry and for individual farm success. I not only provide rations, but provide a whole farm approach to achieving a healthy and productive dairy herd. I bring knowledge of nutrition as well as experience in on-farm data collection from conducting research.

The combination of sound nutrition, herd health information, DHI records and on-farm assessments provide some of the keys to viewing the whole farm approach I work towards providing for my customers.  

Why did you choose this company?
I chose to work for this company because it is a family-owned company that provided me with a perfect combination of meeting farmers and education to provide nutritional advice and balance rations.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
I would like to continue learning so that I can provide even more expertise to the farmers I serve. This goal aligns with my daily focus to do the best job that I can. PD