Proud Supporter

The “100 Good Reasons” marketing campaign encouraging consumers to look for the symbol on their dairy products continues in 2013 with mass media, public relations, in-store promotions, business development initiatives and partnerships.

New reasons to support 100% Canadian Milk continue to be posted regularly and shared in social media. Click here to view.

Because dairy farmers are the best ambassadors for 100% Canadian Milk, DFC also encourages them to participate in the campaign.


The 100% Canadian Milk farm signage program was launched in late 2012 to help farmers and industry  stakeholders express their support more actively towards 100% Canadian Milk.

DFC produced materials such as flags, stickers, signs and more that can be used to promote the symbol on farms or at various events. Offered at cost price, the different items can be ordered, click here to view.


promotion 2The Canadian Cheese Grand Prix is back!

The Canadian Cheese Grand Prix will be held for the eighth time in 2013.

This prestigious national competition honours Canadian cheese makers and highlights the expertise and passion they invest in their craft.

Once again, only cheeses featuring the 100% Canadian Milk symbol on their packaging are eligible to be entered in the competition.

Registered cheese will be judged Feb. 16 and 17 by a jury of well-known experts from across the country.

The jury will determine one winning cheese per category and the grand champion will be chosen from among all the category champions. Finalists will be announced immediately and promoted in the media, while winners will be announced at the Gala of Champions in Montreal on April 18. You can find out more about the competition by clicking here.

promotion 3March is Nutrition Month
This March, DFC will once again sponsor Dietitians of Canada’s Nutrition Month campaign.

The 2013 theme, “Best Food Forward: Plan, Shop, Cook, Enjoy,” will focus on the importance of making the right food choices wherever you are.

As usual, DFC has created a thematic poster and educational fact sheets – for both adults and teens – which include tips on choosing foods for their overall nutrient content; making convenient foods better by adding fresh vegetables, fruit or milk products; and which foods can be bought on the run to make a healthy snack.

Over 32,000 copies in English and French of the poster and accompanying material will be distributed to dietitians and teachers across Canada, while the DFC-created Nutrition Month website, (click here to view) will be revamped to reflect this year’s theme.

During the same period, DFC will also launch a new advertising concept for the Get Enough national nutrition campaign.

Although the campaign continues to educate Canadians about serving size misconceptions and the lesser-known health benefits of milk products, the new concept will focus on raising awareness of the nutrient richness of milk products.

Mainly targeting women aged 35 to 64, the campaign will combine television, web and print advertisements.  PD