Dale and Tammi live in Moore and Dale is a High School Principal for Mid-Del Schools. They purchased land connected to the family farm and became more actively involved in the cattle and farming business. Currently, she and her father run a cow-calf operation of primarily Angus cattle.

Tammi has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Oklahoma State University. She has completed the Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Program. Within ANCW, Tammi has served as Vice President and President Elect as well as Membership Chairperson and on the Budget and Promotions Committees.

In addition to working on the farm and helping with the cattle, Tammi owns and operates SelectForce, a company that performs pre-employment screening and drug testing. Prior to joining SelectForce, Didlot worked for ChoicePoint, a data aggregation company, in numerous roles including Vice President of Sales and Marketing. With those positions she spent time in Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and Kansas.

In addition to serving as President for ANCW, Tammi is the current President for Oklahoma CattleWomen and the President of Agriculture Leadership Oklahoma.


Other organizations she supports include the: Sirloin Club, Diamond Hats, Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), and Texas Southwest Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA). In 2011, Tammi received the Oklahoma Ag Women of the Year award.

ANCW’s 2012 Executive Committee members are: President, Tammi Didlot, Oklahoma; President Elect Barbara Jackson, Arizona; Vice President Patti Buck, Colorado; Recording Secretary D’dee Haynes, Oklahoma; Past President Jill Ginn, Texas; Region I Director Ann Nogan, Pennsylvania.; Region II Director Marcia Callaway, Georgia.; Region III Director Penny Zimmerman, Minnesota;  Region IV Director Desta Crawford, Texas; Region V Director Peggy Biaggi, Oregon; Region VI Director Judy Ahmann, California; Region VII Director Janice Rustad, North Dakota; and Parliamentarian, Susie Magnuson, Colorado.  end_mark 

—American National CattleWomen, Inc. press release