As part of its efforts to ensure the relevancy of dairy, Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is working to ensure consumers have a better understanding of the everyday sustainability efforts on Canadian farms. This fall, DFC’s marketing efforts focus on amplifying the efforts and goals of farmers related to protecting our land, water and soil, especially among young people. Here’s how we are reinforcing our longstanding commitment to environmental stewardship and responsible farming practices. 

Ducks Unlimited digital and influencer campaign

Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is Canada’s leading wetland conservation organization and an important partner to many organizations, including Canadian dairy farmers. Conserving wetlands can enhance on-farm biodiversity, protect local wildlife and renew environmental benefits for the surrounding landscape. Farmers partnering with DUC experience the benefits firsthand: Soil can retain moisture for better crop growth, reduced runoff and improved water management.

Last year, DFC partnered with DUC to promote on-farm wetlands protection. In September and October, we highlighted these efforts in a digital advertising and social media influencer campaign, taking an educational approach to connect with younger people. Our team highlighted the work of a dairy farm in Prince Edward Island, showing consumers a real example of how DUC and farmers are working hand-in-hand to help the environment.

M2M gaming campaign

It’s no secret gaming is a huge part of the lives of millennials and Gen Zers. That’s why DFC launched a unique campaign inviting millennials and Gen Zers to learn about our net-zero commitment through online gaming. 

These mobile-friendly games build on our “I’m In” campaign, telling more young Canadians about dairy farmers’ everyday sustainability commitments by reaching them right where they are – both online (TikTok, YouTube) and in person (university campuses).


Going ‘full circle’: Compost and Cleanfarms digital campaign

Dairy farmers are setting a new standard for recycling – both in the traditional sense and in ways unique to their line of work. Diverting plastic waste from landfills is a top concern among Canadians, and farmers across the country are partnering with Cleanfarms to recycle agricultural plastics. This innovative company provides solutions for reducing on-farm plastic use and connecting farmers with local recycling depots and manufacturers. 

DFC wanted to make sure they understood what farmers were doing. In October, we teamed up with Cleanfarms for a series of videos, including one of a dairy farmer compressing agricultural plastic in a Cleanfarms press. We released the bilingual campaign videos on TikTok and Snapchat in mid-October.

Another way farmers recycle is by managing an inescapable byproduct of dairy farming: manure. Luckily, this is also a useful byproduct, as it enhances soil health and helps farmers raise their crops. Composting manure, plus related actions, can reduce the carbon footprint of a dairy farm by up to 36%.

To help younger people understand how this is essential to producing dairy and keeping GHG emissions low, DFC has made manure management a focus of the digital campaign. They will learn how the idea of recycling goes beyond our traditional understanding of the word – and how dairy farmers are already embracing these sustainable practices.

Click here for more information on the sustainability practices of Canadian dairy farmers.