Calf Housing
Modern dairies and cow-calf operations may look extremely different, but should they? While many current practices are there for good reason, some might benefit from a reassessment.
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Getting cozy: Pair-housing calves as a potential solution to cold stress
Pair-housing calves may help reduce cold stress during winter in outdoor hutches while also improving calf welfare with social contact.
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The weather forecast for today is hot and cold: Tips for nurturing calves in fluctuating weather
While pretty much no one likes it when the weather turns bipolar, calves find it especially challenging. Whether the calf is facing heat or cold, minimizing stressors is essential to maximizing calf performance.
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4 tips to foster a positive impact on calf stress
Preventative measures like good nutrition, handling practices, calf comfort and observation protocols are key for keeping calves healthy while they're stressed.
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Can your calves pass these tests?
While every operation is different, key tests and measurements can indicate a farm’s ability to raise calves well. These include passive transfer, feeding hygiene, housing cleanliness and comfort, and a calf’s growth rate and health markers.
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Calves can vote too: Preferences for hutch ventilation during summer
Study shows that by 6 weeks old, calves show a significant preference for ventilated hutches, and ventilated hutches can help reduce heat stress. Additionally, pair-housed calves spent 80% of their time together.
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Calves under the sun: Navigating heat stress challenges
Heat stress can have lifelong negative impacts on calf health and performance. Shade, air flow, the THI chart and electrolytes are all essential tools for mitigating this issue.
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Ventilating repurposed structures for calf housing
Existing barns can often be retrofitted into excellent calf housing. However, care must be taken to ensure proper ventilation, pen layout and fresh-air distribution to promote good calf health and performance.
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