*UPDATE: The voting has now closed. Click here to view the contest winners.

Click the "Vote" button below to see all the entries and pick your favorites! Then help spread the word to family and friends to come cast their votes, too!

Voting will take place until Wednesday, November 28, 2012, and winners will be announced in theProgressive Forage Grower e-newsletter Tuesday, December 4, 2012.

Prizes: First place will receive your choice of a framable copy of "Harvest Prayer", "Nativity", "Fall Flight" or "Last Bale" (Click here to view). Second and third place winners will receive your choice of Progressive Forage GrowerProgressive Dairyman or Progressive Cattleman hats (Click here to view).

Questions? Email FG Editor Lynn Olsen.


Click here for the official rules and regulations.  FG