What education are you bringing with you to this position?
A general business diploma from Georgian College in Barrie, Ontario, along with agriculture knowledge and experience.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I’ve always been closely involved with the agriculture industry in several different ways. My grandfather farmed pigs in Denmark and raised genetics in Canada (also the reason why I’m in Canada today). My father was raised in a farming family and has spent his career supplying products to the industry. So, I’ve grown up in the agribusiness industry, and it’s the main topic at every family reunion (on my father’s side). Beginning at a young age, I’ve been everywhere from working on farms to attending tradeshows.

What territory will you cover?
Canada and U.S.

What are your new responsibilities?
I am responsible for representing Protekta’s products out in the field. Along with this, I manage our social media and marketing.

What previous positions have you held?
Preceding college, I worked as an intern at Vilofoss Europe for nine months. It is a mineral and premix supplier with locations throughout Europe. This experience certainly allowed me to consume a lot of information and practices in a short period. I travelled to several different countries and viewed the industry from many different angles, which has given me some unique insight.


Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
My father – his passion and knowledge for the industry are what I look up to. It’s certainly a big part of why I am in this industry.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
I’m a result-driven person, and that reflects in everything that I do. For me to be successful in what I do, the customer also must foremost be successful. That’s where I see my strength in helping and advising the producers in achieving healthier animals and thereby better productivity and higher profit.

Why did you choose this company?
Primarily for family reasons. I’ve seen a lot of what my father has done over the years [with this company] and that has basically attracted me to the business. It’s the opportunity to be involved in and assist livestock production, and interacting with the farming community that made this choice very easy for me.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
To grow the awareness of the current product line alongside introducing new and innovative products to the market.  end mark