Editor's note: Penn State dairy student Hannah Wentworth will be providing monthly updates through the Progressive Dairyman Extra e-newsletter about her study abroad experience in New Zealand this spring.

Check back next month for a new column, or visit her blog at www.pafarmgirladventures.blogspot.com .

In my travels around the North Island of New Zealand, I had the privilege to stay on an Ayrshire dairy farm with Gordon and Shona Glentworth for two days. They welcomed me and made it feel like home.Located in the beautiful Taranaki area, on a clear day, the farm provides a lovely view of the volcanic Mount Taranaki.

The farm is also home to high-quality producing Ayrshires of Sanrosa. They milk 250 cows seasonally in a rotary milking shed.

I rode with Gordon on the four-wheeler getting the cows in. I loved looking at the Ayrshires in the pastures.


I visited with him while he milk and talked about his operation. The next day I had a chance to see the heifers and Shona took me for a short drive to observe the New Zealand Ayrshire Association ’s bulls.


In addition, I had the opportunity to visit a nearby farm, Southwind Ayrshires of Albie and Hilary Jane. Hilary gave me a tour of the family farm. I even helped feed some goats while I was there. I also got a closer view of Mount Taranaki.

I enjoyed my time in the Taranaki region. I really appreciate the welcoming Ayrshire breeders of New Zealand and look forward to attending their annual conference in the near future. PD

PHOTO 1: The Ayrshire herd at Gordon and Shona Glentworth's farm travels from the pasture to the rotary shed.

PHOTO 2: Penn State student Hannah Wentworth poses for a photo with Mount Taranaki. Photos courtesy of Hannah Wentworth.

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