The Annual Summer Meltdown Celebration, sponsored by Accelerated Genetics' Young Producer Program, is set for Saturday, June 9 at Knigge Farms in Omro, Wisconsin. Click here to watch a video invitation to the event.

This year’s event will begin at 10 a.m. with a tour of Knigge Farm.

At noon a picnic lunch will be served on the farm followed by a short program. At 2:30 p.m. a fire and farm safety demonstration will be presented by volunteers from the Omro Rushford Fire Department. The day will wrap up with ice cream treats.

Knigge Farms is owned and operated by Pete and Theo, their son, Charlie, and his son, Jacob. In August of 2000, the Knigge family began milking in a new freestall barn with the first milking robots in the U.S. Two years ago, the Knigge’s upgraded to newer robots.

The farm consists of 650 acres and about 170 Holsteins.


The Summer Meltdown Celebration is an annual festival of agriculture that features farm and agricultural industry tours for the whole family.

Registrations are due by June 4. Call (800) 451-9275 ext. 5422 or register by email.

The Young Producer program is open to any dairy or beef producer or herdsperson and their families. PD

—From Accelerated Genetics news release