Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach will offer a nationally renowned farm business course for northeast Iowa women in February. Annie’s Project empowers farm women to be better business partners through peer networks. The program includes critical decision making and information topics on production, marketing, financial, legal and human resources risk management.

Named after Annie Fleck, a farm wife from Illinois, Annie’s Project recognizes that the unique learning preferences of women often are not served through traditional farm management education programs. Annie’s Project is a six-week course designed especially for farm women to help them develop their management and decision making skills for the farm operation they are involved in.

Annie’s Project gives farm women the opportunity to learn from female agricultural professionals and network with other women in similar situations. Organized by a local committee and ISU Extension staff, the topics include personality and communication assessment, understanding market terminology, interpreting financial statements and understanding estate planning.

Annie’s Project will meet at the Northeast Iowa Community Based Dairy Foundation in Calmar for six weeks on Tuesdays from 6 to 9 p.m. starting Feb. 16. Participants receive software programs, access to ISU Extension online courses, handouts and an Annie’s Project portfolio. A light dinner is included. Course size is limited.

For more information and to register, click here or call Winneshiek County Extension office at (563) 382-2949. PD


—From ISU Extension news release