Holstein Association USA recently held its 126th Annual Business Meeting in conjunction with the 2011 National Holstein Convention in Richmond, Virginia, June 24 and 25. President Larry A. Tande presided over the meeting.

State of the Association
President Larry Tande and Chief Executive Officer John M. Meyer both gave addresses reporting on the current state of the Association and their vision for the membership.

“Never before has there been a greater need for leadership in agriculture and our dairy industry,” said President Tande. “The future of agriculture is positive and promising, as we assume our role in feeding the world. Truly, we are in a global environment. Leadership is needed in defining our dairy industry’s role.”

Tande followed by covering some of the topics facing today’s U.S. dairy producers, and outlined qualities that individuals should consider when serving on a board or a committee.

CEO John Meyer highlighted some milestones from the 125-year history of the Association before reviewing strong 2010 performance, including the following. “Registrations were 339,908, which is a 4 percent increase from 2009,” Meyer stated. “Members’ appreciation of the Holstein COMPLETE program is evidenced by the enrollment of 239,703 cows, which is a 3 percent increase over 2009, and 1,759 herds, which is a 2 percent increase.”


Transfer activity was brisk as 70,335 animals changed hands. This is a 13 percent increase over last year. Other prominent figures included the classification staff evaluating 217,996 cows through the regular classification program, a 3 percent increase over 2009, and the continuing expansion of the TriStar Premier program, with 383,000 cows enrolled last year, representing a 1 percent increase.

Videos of both addresses are available to watch online at www.holsteinusa.com

Bylaw amendment passed
Holstein Association USA delegates voted unanimously to adopt the proposed bylaw amendment, which will be effective in 2012.

Under Article II – “Officers and Their Duties,” Section 1 of the Holstein Association USA Bylaws, the following statement will be added, "Candidates must submit a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement to the Nominating Committee prior to closing of nominations at Annual Meeting. Candidates will be screened by the Nominating Committee and a slate of candidates will be presented to the delegates."

The full disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest, via these statements, will help the delegates make a more informed decision when they vote for the candidates of their choice.

New officers and directors elected
Two officer and three director positions were up for election this year. Chuck Worden of Cassville, New York, was elected to a two-year term as president, following two years of service as vice president. Glen E. Brown, Coalville, Utah, won the vice presidential election, and will serve a two-year term on the board.

Elected to their first three-year terms as Holstein Association USA directors were Mike Jones, Marshall, Indiana, representing Region 3, and Roy R. Buessing, from Axtell, Kansas, for Region 7. Jim Burdette, Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, Region 2, and Boyd Schaufelberger, Greenville, Illinois, at-large director, were both re-elected to their second three-year term.

Retiring from the board of directors this year are Larry Tande, Medford, Minnesota, who served as president, Region 3 director Ron Fuhrmann, Hoagland, Indiana, and Region 7 director Kate Geppert, Columbia, Missouri.

One resolution was brought forth by the Holstein Association USA board of directors and solidly affirmed by the delegates with a round of applause.

“Whereas, the Virginia Holstein Association and all of the volunteers have worked hard to plan an outstanding week filled with enjoyable activities for the Holstein Association USA, Inc.'s 126th Annual Meeting and National Convention; and

“Whereas the Virginia Holstein Association and their convention committees have welcomed everyone with gracious Southern hospitality; and

“Whereas our Virginia hosts have given us the opportunity to visit outstanding dairies with first-rate Registered Holsteins; and

“Whereas, the Virginia Convention committee members have provided great opportunities to learn more about Virginia's rich history; and

“Whereas the Virginia Holstein Association and their volunteers have warmly demonstrated their love for the Holstein cow and their dedication to the Holstein Association,

“Now, therefore be it resolved, that the Holstein Association USA's board, members, and staff salute the Virginia Holstein Association for their efforts, and

“Be it further resolved, that the delegates of this 126th Annual Meeting and National Holstein Convention sincerely thank all of the volunteers at the Virginia Holstein Association for making our week in Virginia an enjoyable one!”

The 2012 Holstein Association USA National Convention and Annual Meeting will be held June 27-30, 2012, in Springfield, Missouri. PD

—From Holstein Association USA news release