The Composite Dairy Cattle Registry, in evaluating the August 2014 genetic evaluations, is pleased with the progress and growth of the breeds represented by the registry.

In looking at the Elite Cow List, there are 251,637 cows, both registered and grade that made the list. Of the cows on this list, and excluding the Holstein, the breeds registered by the Composite Dairy Cattle Registry make up 20 percent of the cows that were sired by Montbeliarde, Swedish Red and White, Norwegian Red and Red Dairy. This shows that these breeds are able to perform extremely well against traditional dairy breeds.

The Swedish Red and White with 7,140 cows had the third highest number of cows, with Holstein and Jersey being first and second. The Norwegian Red had 2,160 cows, Montbeliarde had 677 cows, and Red Dairy had 277 cows make the list.

Another positive note, 78 cows on the Elite Cow List had no sire identity. The registry asks that all producers take the time to check the sire and dam information on animals in their herd and see that the parentage is correctly reported. In the process of registering animals, the registry has seen 15 percent to 20 percent of the dams that have missing information.

Looking at the sires of cows on the Elite Cow List by breed, the sires that had the most daughters are:

  • Montbeliarde:the bull Urocher had 192 daughters, followed by Redon with 102 daughters.
  • Swedish Red and White:the bull B Jurist-ET with 1034 daughters, followed by Peterslund with 929 daughters and then Gunnarstorp with 846 daughters.
  • Norwegian Red:the bull Haugseth had 359 daughters, followed by Braut with 326 daughters.
  • Red Dairy:the bull R David with 86 daughters, and then R Facet had 76 daughters.

Links to these bulls can be found under the bull listing page of the Composite Dairy Cattle Registry website. PD

—From Composite Dairy Cattle Registry news release