After sending the H.R. 5021 back and forth between the Senate and House, the chambers came to agreement on funding the Highway Trust Fund through May 2015.

The Senate adopted two amendments to the House-passed H.R. 5021. Of the Senate’s adopted two amendments, one was the Senate Finance Committee package offered by Finance Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.).

That amendment, the Preserving America’s Transit and Highways (PATH) Act of 2014, would have funded the Highway Trust Fund through May but had slightly different revenue raisers than H.R. 5021. Of interest to western states was a provision in the PATH Act that gives mutual or cooperative ditch and irrigation companies additional flexibility to raise private capital to finance infrastructure improvements.

On July 31, the House stripped out all the Senate amendments and returned H.R. 5021 to the Senate for approval. Running out of time before the August recess, the Senate approved H.R. 5021 that evening, sending the measure to President Barack Obama for his signature.

An efficient and reliable transportation network is essential for the rural economy to function, and it is the foundation for growth. Uncertainty in the Highway Trust Fund means states, counties and towns can’t invest in infrastructure projects that benefit families, businesses and the economy. PD


—From Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation news release