Oregon-based Tillamook Cheese Company is leading a campaign to remove "American" from processed cheese. The company wants to collect 100,000 online signatures by July 23 and receive the attention of the White House. In exchange, the company is offering a coupon for $1 off their cheddar slices.

A statement on the company's website reads:

We the people of the United States of America are being falsely represented by our namesake “American cheese.”

With as many as 18 ingredients like sorbic acid and sodium phosphate, the FDA says processed “American cheese” can’t even be called cheese. Rather it must be referred to as a “cheese product.”

Is that the America our forefathers like Honest Abe Lincoln had in mind?


Out of respect for the hard work and integrity that our nation was built upon, we respectfully ask that these processed, plastic-wrapped slices of deception be stripped of America's name.

Visit the site to sign the petition or see it for yourself.

Also be sure to check out the entertaining video featuring Abe Lincoln riding a grizzly bear and urging viewers to sign the company's petition. PD

—Summarized by Progressive Dairyman staff from cited sources