Researchers at the Southeast Dairy Foods Research Center at North Carolina State University conducted a large-scale sensory study on sour cream and found that flavor was the most important factor in purchase decisions followed by price, availability and brand.

Dairy manufacturers have flexibility in their manufacturing processes to change their formulations, cultures and fermentation time to give consumers the product they prefer.

Researchers used an eight-member trained sensory panel, analytical instruments and avid sour cream consumers to design the study. More than 200 consumers evaluated 12 different products using the descriptors created by the sensory panel. Data from sensory studies were compared against concentrations of various flavor compounds. (Shepard L, Miracle RE, Leksrisompong P, Drake MA. Relating sensory and chemical properties of sour cream to consumer acceptance. J Dairy Sci. 2013;96(9):5435-5454.)

Results showed that regardless of fat content in the product, the flavors that appeal most are milkfat and cooked/milky flavors that come from cultures and processing conditions.

The most undesirable flavors were excessive sweetness or sourness that was most obvious in lower-fat varieties. Understanding consumer preferences will help manufacturers make appropriate formulation and manufacturing choices. PD


—Dairy Research Insights