Sarah McCusker Nutritionist Milk Products Chilton, Wisconsin

What education are you bringing with you to this position?

I hold a Bachelor of Science in natural resource sciences with an emphasis in wildlife ecology, a Master of Science in wildlife nutrition, both from Washington State University. Additionally, I am completing a Master of Science in nutritional biology from the University of California – Davis.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I have nearly a decade of experience breeding, raising and caring for captive deer species in a research setting.

What territory will you cover?
I provide service for all Milk Products customers with no defined territory.

What are your new responsibilities?
As nutritionist, my primary responsibilities are economical and optimal formulation of new products, reviewing and modifying existing products and exploring potential ingredients.


What previous positions have you held?
I have worked in several capacities in animal research facilities, including the National Zoo, Australia National University, Washington State University and the University of California – Davis. As a research assistant, I investigated areas from nutrition to genetics to reproductive biology. I recently served as research associate in charge of the Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit Captive Breeding Program at Washington State University.

Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
My major professor at Washington State University, Dr. Lisa Shipley, and Dr. Liz Koutsos at Mazuri.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
I will be providing quality, customized milk replacer products and supportive advice when needed.

Why did you choose this company?
Initially it was the job announcement. Baby animal nutrition sets the stage for a healthy, productive life. Having a chance to build this foundation is both an exciting and challenging opportunity. What really pulled me in during the interview process were the people. Milk Products has a unique and talented crew of caring individuals who truly believe in the company they work for and strive to make it the best.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
I am excited to explore novel ingredients that have applications in milk replacers and positive implications for animal health. My goal is to contribute to on-going research in order to improve our product lines and better serve our customers and the animals we feed. PD