The Dairy Comfort Cookbook is being created by Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) and will debut in June 2015 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the National Dairy Council.

Here’s where you come in: Submit your family-favorite, dairy-based recipe for a chance to be included in the cookbook. Recipes are being accepted for the following categories: "Sunrise," "Midday," "After-chores," "Sundown" and "Celebrations."

Recipes must be original. To meet the original qualifications, recipe submissions must have at least two ingredients that are changed from the previously shared, copyrighted recipe; have different cooking instructions/directions from the original; and have a different recipe name/title.


Submit your recipe by email or online. Include all of the following information: Name of recipe, complete list of ingredients, complete list of cooking instructions, brief description of what makes the recipe special, your full name, city and state, your connection to dairy, your email address, your phone number and your preferred way to be contacted. PD

—From Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association news release