The Idaho Dairymen’s Association (IDA) recently held meetings with its members in each of its three membership districts to discuss the concept of government-controlled mandatory supply management and to survey members about their willingness to collectively agree to reduce milk production in order to help improve milk prices.
More than 225 producers, who represent more than 60 percent of milk produced in Idaho, attended one of the meetings. The images show the results of a survey as published in the May 2010 issue of the association’s newsletter.
IDA President Mike Roth says the meetings reinforced the fact that it is important for producers to “work together for the industry as a whole and find common ground.”
“I believe everyone who attended the meeting recognizes that after the crisis ends, failure to find new innovative solutions that includes changes to current government programs will only bring us back to the same pricing dilemma and equity erosion in the future,” Roth says. PD