A majority of 36.8 percent said that government overregulation will be the next major issue.

EPA’s proposed rule on water quality is also a good candidate for a major ag issue, according to 22.1 percent of reader votes.

Another 14.7 percent thought that chemical-resistant pests and weeds would be a significant problem.

Just behind them, 13.2 percent of our readers believe lack of research funding would be the focus of agricultural issues.

Those who thought the GMO debate would take the most of the spotlight totaled at 8.8 percent.


Only 4.4 percent were most concerned about labor shortage. Lastly, no one thought that the size and weight of farming equipment on roadways would be the next major issue.  FG

What's the next major issue facing agriculture?

  • Lack of research funding: 13.2%

  • GMO debate: 8.8%

  • Size and weight of farming equipment on roadways: 0%

  • Government overregulation: 36.8%

  • Weeds and pests becoming resistant to chemicals: 14.7%

  • Labor shortages: 4.4%

  • EPA's proposed rule on water quality: 22.1%