What education are you bringing with you to this position?
In 2006, I graduated from the University of South Bohemia, agricultural faculty, in the Czech Republic. Since then, I classified in the Czech Republic and I participated in the WHFF world harmonization of Holstein classification in 2007, 2011 and 2013.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I grew up with my father being in the cow business, and I pursued further studies in the domain through university.

What territory will you cover?
I will begin classifying in Ontario. In the future, I will be working in the other Canadian provinces as well, with the exception of Quebec because I don’t speak French.

What are your new responsibilities?
While I bring my expertise from my years of classifying in the Czech Republic, I will learn the ins and outs of the Canadian classification program and continue to provide excellent service to producers as Holstein Canada does.

What previous positions have you held?
For the last nine years, I have been a classifier in the Czech Republic.


Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
It is not easy to choose one person. But I would like to mention my father, who has involved me my whole life, and Bethany Muir, who enabled me to get this position.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
Beyond providing classification service, I can share with producers my experience from the European dairy industry.

Why did you choose this company?
I like and admire how Holstein Canada works in general – what and how they provide service for producers. The opportunity also arose to join them.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
This is an easy question: to do my best for producers and my employer.  PD