June Dairy Month might be over, but that doesn’t mean we are off the hook when it comes to promoting the industry. Sharing our farm story and connecting with consumers is something we should be doing every day.

Wegner annaliese
Dairy Producer / Ettrick, Wisconsin

With more and more families moving farther away from the farm, it is easy for myths and misconceptions about agriculture to spread. More than ever, it is important for farmers to put themselves out there and let their voices be heard. We aren’t “just farmers” anymore; we are also marketers of what we do.

Big or small, there are so many ways for farmers to promote their farm and the dairy industry. I’ve created a short list of ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

1. Get on social media

These days, just about everyone is on some form of social media: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter. If you can’t beat them, join them. Pick a social media outlet that suits you best or try them all. Perhaps you already share photos and farm stories regularly on your personal page, but have you ever thought about creating a Facebook page for your farm or business?


A picture really is worth a thousand words, and social media is a great way to connect with hundreds or thousands of consumers. If you don’t use social media to share your story, someone else will – but it might not be the truth.

2. Offer tours

Get people on the farm. I love hosting tours because folks are able to see firsthand what actually goes on at a farm. I get to meet my consumers and they get to meet their farmer; it’s a wonderful way to connect. Reach out to your local schools, 4-H groups and friends. Let them know they are always welcome to stop by and check out the farm. Oh, and don’t forget; every tour should end with a dairy treat.

3. Host a farm picnic

Another great way to get folks on the farm is by hosting a farm picnic. Growing up, my family and I hosted a farm picnic every summer. We invited friends, family and neighbors and served them up a hot meal. We also offered tours of the farm and games.

It allowed us to build stronger relationships with our neighbors and to thank them for putting up with us when things on and around the farm were a little noisier than usual. (For example, planting season, harvest, manure hauling, etc.)

4. Participate in local parades

Ah, this is one of my favorites. Promote your farm and the dairy industry by walking in the town parade. This is something we started a few years ago, and it seems to be a hit with the community. We load up the family and a few employees and hand out string cheese at the town parade. After having pounds of candy thrown at them, the spectators are usually pretty excited to receive some cheese.

5. Swap dairy recipes with friends

Next time you get together with your friends for drinks, plan on swapping recipes with a dairy theme. It’s a fun way to try new things and opens up a conversation about dairy.

6. Bring a calf to school

Not all schools are able to take field trips, so why not bring a little piece of the farm to the students? Everyone loves calves, and it seems to me like an excellent idea for show-and-tell.

These are just a few ideas, but I think the possibilities are endless. Whether you can do a lot or just a little, we all need to do our part to advocate for agriculture. A fellow dairy blogger, Farmer Tim, once said, “If a farmer teaches one person about farming, it might not change the world. But it might change the world for that one person.”

I would love to hear your ideas and how you plan to share your farm story. Find me on:

Facebook: Modern-day Farm Chick

Instagram: modfarmchick

Twitter: @modfarmchick

Snapchat: annaliesewegner

Blog: Modern-day Farm Chick   end mark

Annaliese Wegner