“In order to influence others, you need to give them something to hold on to,” political commentator Dana Perino told 2017 Dairy Strong attendees. Perino served as press secretary to President George W. Bush and is a co-host of Fox News Channel’s The Five.

“Make sure you keep telling your story – farmers have great stories to tell – because if you don’t, someone else will come in and fill that vacuum with their own perspective,” she said.

So, what does this mean for agriculture? We need to redefine the phrase “tell your story” for people to grasp agriculture in another way. This phrase is said so often that it becomes white noise and makes it difficult to express what actions need to take place.

Hear Dana Perino’s take on sharing dairy stories in the video below.

There are so many great stories to tell in the dairy community, and we need to be creative in telling them. Below are five ways to connect with customers to share your story:

  1. Volunteer at or host a dairy event that welcomes your neighbors and the general public.
  2. Send an article to a nonagricultural editor about your farm – like your local newspaper.
  3. Do a live video from your social media channels. Keep it simple by letting your audience know what is going on that day. Let your audience know you’ll be going live and have them comment with questions.
  4. Get to know the media in your area. Look up their contact information on their website and give them a call or email. Now they have a credible person to talk to about dairy.
  5. Get involved with your local school or university to engage young people through class presentations or field trips.

It all starts by sharing your passion through stories in a unique environment to engage customers. Step outside your comfort zone to connect with people who use your products every day. They want to hear from you.

If we in the dairy community can come together and share our story in an intriguing way, then we can create a network of people outside of dairy who know a credible person. You might be feeling nervous while reading this, but I promise the rewards of connecting with customers is inspiring.

At the 2018 Dairy Strong conference, we will have track sessions that highlight consumer trends. These sessions will dive into engaging with your neighbors and social media specifics.

We are excited to welcome Bud Selig as Dairy Strong’s keynote speaker. He is a former commissioner of Major League Baseball, a position he held for a historic 17 years. He is also the former owner of the Milwaukee Brewers.

There is still time to register for the 2018 Dairy Strong conference on Jan. 17-18 in Madison, Wisconsin.  end mark

The Dairy Strong Bloggers series is brought to you on behalf of the Dairy Strong conference, Jan. 17-18, 2018, in Madison, Wisconsin. This event focuses on cutting-edge technology, cultural trends and the future of the dairy community. Learn more and register at the Dairy Strong website.

Joanna Wavrunek
  • Joanna Wavrunek

  • Digital Communications Manager
  • Dairy Business Association

PHOTO: At the 2017 Dairy Strong conference, Dana Perino told dairy producers why it is important they engage their customers and tell their stories. Photo courtesy of the Dairy Business Association.