Items Tagged with 'embryo viability'
Maintaining a cow’s dietary intake and quality throughout the periconceptual period has a cascading effect to improve her reproductive health and efficiency in both the short and long term.
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Consequences of overconditioning beef bulls
Feeding high-energy diets to young bulls right up to the point of breeding season can have a negative effect on breeding ability, semen quality and embryo development.
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They’re alive … or not: Using technology to determine embryo viability
Emerging technologies in imaging and machine learning present new opportunities to ensure the viability of embryos at earlier stages than ever before.
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Cloning: How it works and what it could do for your herd
Cloning technology is no longer exclusive to high-tech labs; this technology is available for dairy producers to utilize on their operations – speeding up genetic advancement.
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Synchroniser les embryons avec des receveuses de haute qualité bien préparées
Analyser les donneuses et les receveuses, considérer la fécondation In-Vitro (FIV) comme une extension de votre protocole actuel, confirmer avec précision les gestations et travailler avec votre vétérinaire peut assurer la réussite d’un programme de FIV.
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Using IVF to rebuild the beef herd
With the big decline in numbers in the U.S. beef cattle herd, many producers are wondering how to preserve the genetics they’ve worked so hard to build in their herds. Any of several assisted reproductive technologies may be the answer.
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Timing embryos with high-quality, prepared recipients
Analyzing donor and recipients, viewing IVF as an extension of your current protocol, accurately confirming pregnancies and working with your veterinarian can ensure a successful IVF program.
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