Minnesota Milk Producers Association holds its annual business meeting each year during the Midwest Dairy Expo to hold election of directors, approve resolutions, review the auditor’s report, clean up old business and to address new business.

Click here to view the resolutions approved at the meeting.

Two new people were elected to the MMPA board of directors. Roger Peters from Tyler, Minnesota, replaced Arlon Fritsche as director from district 9 and Rick Smith from Adams, Minnesota, replaced Bill Rowekamp in district 11.

Pat Lunemann from Clarissa, Minnesota, remains as president of the association. Greg Jans stepped aside as vice-president to devote more time to his dairy. The board elected Dave Buck from Goodhue, Minnesota, to replace Jans as vice-president. Bruce Stone from Henning, Minnesota, remains as the treasurer and Marianne Peterson remains as secretary. PD


—From Minnesota Milk Minute