Matt Kramer Reno, Nevada Customer Agronomist Mycogen Seeds

What education are you bringing with you to this position?
I have an associate's degree in animal sciences from The Ohio State University and a bachelor’s degree in agricultural business from Fresno State University.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I grew up on my family’s farm near Toledo, Ohio. We raised row crops and had a small dairy.

What territory will you cover?
Arizona, California, Nevada

What are your new responsibilities?
I will make sure that our sales reps and dealers are up to date on new corn hybrids and cropping practices. I will work with them to support dairy producers and silage growers who want to produce high-quality corn silage.


What previous positions have you held?
After college I moved to California to work for Harris Beef Co. While in California, I also worked for Stanislaus Farm Supply Co. and Simplot Grower Solutions, where I was involved in seed sales and crop advising.

What excites you most about working in your new role?
Being part of the ever-changing field of agriculture. I see Mycogen Seeds as a forerunner in agricultural technology. I look forward to being part of this company as technology continues to advance and improve. I’m also excited to interact with dairy producers and silage growers and help them build their operations.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region?
I hope to help producers reach and exceed their goals by providing them with the genetics, tools and answers they need to improve silage quality and yield.

Why did you choose this company?
I was familiar with Mycogen Seeds and I worked with many of the same producers in my previous roles. I’ve always thought that the company's products, especially BMR corn silage hybrids, have huge advantages that no competitors have come close to. To me, the company has always been a strong leader in the marketplace.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
While in this role, I want to become an asset to farmers and dairymen in my area. I want to be the first one they call when they want to make the most of their silage acres. I want them to know that if something unexpected does happen, they can always call me and we can work together. PD