Looking for new ways to celebrate June Dairy Month? Check out these online ideas from various dairy promotion groups across the country. Incorporate them into social media, farm tours and local celebrations!

Coffeen peggy
Coffeen was a former editor and podcast host with Progressive Dairy. 

June Dairy Month logos

Online find: June Dairy Month dairy trivia, logos and graphics
This handy question-and-answer sheet is a great tool for education events and farm tours. It covers dairy’s role in health and nutrition, along with basic information about cows and modern farming.

You can also download eye-catching logos and information graphics to spread the word about June Dairy Month. Post them on your Facebook page, or print them out to include as a check stuffer to remind your vendors to celebrate, too!

Find the question-and-answer sheet at the Midwest Dairy Association's website. Find the logos and graphics on their media center page.

Online find: “Dairy Packs Power” activity book
This activity book includes sample radio announcements, ideas for reaching out to local government and other creative ways to honor dairy farmers and celebrate June Dairy Month.


Find your activity book at the Southeast United Dairy Industry Association website.

Milk Means More Pinterest

Online find: Pinterest dairy recipes
Find pictures and recipes for delicious dairy treats and pin them to your board!

Find fantastic recipes on the Milk Means More Pinterest page!

Cali cowchat

Online find: Cali Cowchat app
Children and adults can have fun as they customize their own virtual cow personality to record messages and chat with friends via Facebook to share June Dairy Month messages.

Find it on Real California Milk's website.

30 Days of Dairy

Online find: 30 Days of Dairy
Make it a challenge in your own household and others to consume three dairy products daily. These recipes for meals and snacks make it easy and fun!

Find it at the Dairy Spot website, under "Dairy" in their downloadable materials guide.

Wisconsin dairy breeds coloring page

Online find: Dairy activity and coloring pages
Download dairy word searches and crossword puzzles to print and share, or host a local coloring contest and award dairy products as the top prize!

Find it at the Wisconsin Cheese website. PD