For the first time in 44 years, World Ag Expo is going mobile. Available for both the iPhone and all phones with the Android Market, World Ag Expo's Application gives its users access to everything the expo has to offer. "World Ag Expo 2011 is themed Tools for Agri-Business, and our new app is just that - a tool for success at the expo," said Lee Coito, 2011 Chairman. "Our app adds another free option for our attendees, building on our success in providing tools to help attendees identify in advance the exhibitors and seminars they want to see."

By coupling with the Digital Show Grounds feature on, the app provides a mobile option for attendees to use to search products by category, explore the exhibitor directory, learn more about the seminars, view the Top-10 products and more. The MyShow Planner feature helps users organize and plan an agenda, making sure that they get the most out of their trip to World Ag Expo.

In addition the app allows users to search for hotels and nearby restaurants, check the weather and more in the resources portion of the app.

According to a report by David Luu Handheld Device Convergence (futuresource-, by 2013 more than 1 billion people will own a SmartPhone. This means that the technology is likely to improve, but not be replaced anytime soon.

World Ag Expo shows off the latest in agricultural technology and innovation. By implementing the latest in mobile technology this year, expo staff hopes that the application will help visitors prepare, and learn more about what the expo has to offer, and will enhance the overall experience for each attendee.


The free application can be downloaded by searching "World Ag Expo" in both the App Store and Android Market.

The 44th annual World Ag Expo 2011, Tools for Agri-Business, will run February 8-10 at the International Agri-Center show grounds in Tulare, Calif. An estimated annual average of 100,000 attendees from 72 countries are expected to attend World Ag Expo this year.

The expo is the largest annual agricultural show of its kind with 1,500 exhibitors displaying cutting-edge agricultural technology and equipment on 2.6 million square feet of show grounds. PD

—From World Ag Expo news release